So many obligations, so many time consuming events, so many times we missed out on each other.
We hoped this time would refocus us on what was most important. God first, then our marriage, then our kids. The great hierarchy of family. First things first.
It absolutely did. Lots of wonderful conviction and practical advice in how to love, honor, and respect one another.
Some of my favorite takeaways:
You married "the one". If you married them, they are the one. There isn't any "oh well, they aren't who I thought they were, I guess they aren't the one." It is a daily intention to put them first and to fight for your marriage.
Praying for your spouse, with right intention, is the most powerful thing you can do for them. Once I started viewing myself as my husband's first line of defense, it changed my perspective on prayer for him. Also, the intention behind the prayer is important. Not "God get them cause look at how they are flawed", but "God help my heart to be strong and help their heart to be one with You." Powerful stuff!
Sometimes all you need is a little refresher course to give you back the vision of your marriage. We are very thankful for this ministry! If you have the opportunity to attend one of these or a Weekend to Remember in your area, we highly recommend it!
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